HM Adventures - Waste Reduction Project Week 1

Waste Reduction Project

Goal: The HM family will create no more than 1 ice cream pail of waste each month for the year 2017.

  • If we go over our limit, we will make a donation or $50 to a charitable organization for each month we're over.
  • No throwing things out at work or school that would otherwise be thrown out at home. 
  • We will regularly post tidbits about how we're doing on social media.
    • follow Connie on Instagram or Facebook
    • follow Aria on Instagram (wastereductionproject)
    • follow Kaija on Instagram (waste_reduction_project_)
In addition, we commit to buying clothing that are either ethical (more on what that means to us in a future post) or 2nd-hand with the exceptions of some outerwear and underwear.

It's not really about the garbage. It's about consumption. When we buy things and create a linear system where raw materials continually get taken from the earth and dumped into landfills, it's not sustainable. We've all seen the stats, the waste, the predictions for the future of this beautiful planet. It's not pretty and this family says it's time to do our small part.

We are living by this quote. "Don't let what you can't do stop you from doing what you can do." For far too long we have been paralyzed by feeling hopeless and overwhelmed. What difference can we make anyway? It's too big. It's too complicated. It's too scary.

So we're making this attempt. It's not perfection. It's directional movement (thanks Amy!). Moving in a direction. Baby steps. For some our goal will look impossible. For some our goal doesn't go far enough. For us it's the next step on our journey toward a life that walks a little lighter on this earth.

Cheer us on! Ask us questions! Join us.  Here we go!!
