Day 15 - Redwoods

Rafting in the Redwoods

This is the last day of our travels in terms of seeing new things before pointing the van in the direction of home. We woke up to fog and mist which was disappointing as it seemed that to go ahead with the rafting trip would mean that we'd spend the day cold and wet. However, the fog cleared out and made way for sunny skies just in time for our departure.

The owner of the adventure trip outfitters, Mick, was extremely friendly and we really enjoyed getting to know him. We followed him to the spot where the rafting trip ends, left our van there and then rode with him to the beginning of the run. He gave us some last minute instructions about how to avoid rocks and keeping the nose of the raft pointing in the direction of the current to avoid tipping and so on.  This advice just added to our excitement as it now seemed a little dangerous as well as adventurous. So we set sail with our lunch and towels ready to experience this mountain river.

Here we are with Mick

The water was this amazing green colour, and was crystal clear right down to it's rocky bottom. None of the rapids turned out to be anywhere close to rough enough to tip us, but they were still lots of fun. The smooth parts in between were great for relaxing and checking out the redwoods from a different angle. It was a fantastic day. We couldn't have asked for a better way to end off our trip.

The cool hue of the water.

Daddy's Girls

Abandoned on a rock island.

The Redwoods from the water

Ending off the day with a quick dip in the cold mountain water.
